*$10.00 donation: Checks can be made to Catlettsburg- This donation will help buy extra supplies and educational items for our classroom throughout the year.
*Every class needs a T-SHIRT SPONSOR. We wear these shirts throughout the year on field trips and for special events. Students keep the shirt at the end of the year. Please see your child’s teacher for more information.
*Catlettsburg Kindergarten Teachers would greatly appreciate you for purchasing the brands listed above. We have found that these last longer and work better. You can purchase these items over Tax Free Weekend for much cheaper.
The tax free weekend begins July 26th-28th
Catlettsburg Kindergarten Supply List
Please label all items with your child’s name
*sandwich size baggies (resealable)
*snack size baggies (resealable)
*gallon size baggies (resealable)
*8 oz bottle of Germ-X
*Elmer’s glue
*Extra wipes or disinfecting wipes
*Any donation of a wish list item would be greatly appreciated!